Diocletian’s Palace

Croatia is wonderful.  The city is quite old, & was used as Diocletian’s palace in the late third century.  Some of the old walls are still standing as are the underground floors.  There are 5 bakeries and 2 pizzerias in a 4 minute walk from our hostel.  Perfect, I’ve had bread and nutella for about three meals now, interspersed with bread and cheese.  Good thing I’m walking everywhere.  I’m trying to branch out with new food, but it’s difficult to find.  In Barcelona we found a great sandwich place our last day.  In Florence we found a local sandwich place inside the market, serving marinated meats on white bread, soaked in gravy.  In Rome I ate prosciutto and cheese.  I hear Croatia is big on seafood (major plus), however I have yet to find it. (photos)